Ayoub O
Docteur·e - Chimie et sciences des matériaux
- Caractérisation (sciences des matériaux)
- chimie des matériaux
- revêtements
- développement de matériaux intelligents
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Dr. Ing. Ayoub OUARGA received his engineer’s degree in Materials Science from University Cadi Ayyad - Marrakech. He has a Master’s degree in materials and surfaces engineering from Arts et Métiers ParisTech. He has a Ph.D degree in the field of chemistry and material science form Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University. For the past years, he has been working in the area of sorting and recycling of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), he was interested to preventing pumps corrosion caused by sea water desalination. He did research works in the fields of Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries and Development of Conductive Regenerated Cellulose Fibers. During his doctoral studies, Ayoub studied the Development of self-healing anticorrosive coatings using phosphorylated polysaccharide-based microcapsules. Dr. Ayoub is currently an assistant professor at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University.Sa thèse
Intitulé de la thèse : Development of self-healing anticorrosive coatings using phosphorylated polysaccharide-based microcapsules
Universités et laboratoires d’appartenance ou d’origine :
Université Claude-Bernard Lyon-ISes expériences universitaires
Development of anti-corrosion coating based on phosphorylated ethyl cellulose microcapsules (Article) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.porgcoat.2020.105885
Towards smart self-healing coatings: Advances in micro/nano-encapsulation processes as carriers for anti-corrosion coatings development (Review)
Phosphorylated microcapsules containing natural oil for potential self-healing use https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.05.093
ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7237-0578
Ses expériences professionnelles
Travaux expérimentaux de recherche scientifique.
Préparation de rapports des résultats obtenus.
Communication scientifique par articles scientifiques et conférences internationales.
Participation à la Construction et montage de nouveaux Laboratoires
Ce profil vous intéresse ?
- J’envoie mon besoin spécifique
- Des experts traitent ma demande
- Un chercheur est mis en lien avec ma mission
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